Steven J. Lawson – Need for Discipleship?

steven lawson need for disciplship

Steve Lawson, John MacArthur‘s friend and professor of expository preaching at the Master’s Seminary (MacArthur’s seminary), has been removed from ministry (inappropriate relationship with a woman).

This happens all the time, men leaving the ministry. This time it bothers me more because the preacher has a close association with a conservative evangelical ministry that I appreciate on different levels. I’ve studied his excellent preaching.

I fear, I’m upset. I’ve appreciated his ministry. He’s not a health and wealth prosperity preacher, but one who holds the Scripture near and dear. But by God’s grace, there go I!

So I randomly looked up a video from Steve Lawson and tried to find one about lust and purity. Here is the one I found. Keep reading below please.

At around the 3:15 mark, he’s applying Jesus’ command to cut off your hand and pluck out your eye. Lawson then said, “that sounds a whole lot different than what I hear from some people who want to have an accountability group and will hold each other accountable. You’re going to lie through your teeth to the other men who are in that accountability group. No it’s you and Jesus.”

Dr. Lawson is 73 years old! What happened? Could it be that he was not presently being discipled? Very likely, based on these comments. Steve, what about “bear each other’s burdens?” What about Jesus’ model of ministry? I guess it is hiding in plain sight even to professors of expository preaching. Discipleship with built in accountability groups is so very important. Don’t let anyone teach you otherwise. Jesus modeled it. Read the gospels and watch Jesus hold His disciples accountable.

Be sure to pray for him and his family and fear, lest you also be tempted.

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